Post: The last day of February

The last day of February– wow! Time to seriously peruse the seed catalogs that have arrived in the mailbox and dream of the warm earth in your hands! February posed a few weather challenges to be sure. Just this past Monday and Tuesday the wind was unbelievable; and with the cold temperatures it was quite unbearable! However all of our farm critters and farm humans survived (thank goodness).

Lots of hay and straw and pine shavings were heaped in stalls and coops to keep every warm and cozy. Hot water was available for the chickens and goats to sip and the horses also enjoyed a cup of “tea” as well just like their caretakers. Hot Tea was especially enjoyed last Monday night by everyone when the wind was howling unceasingly; it was a relief when it finally passed. Today however though cold, there was a gentle breeze and the February sun has a warmth to it that the horses loved to bask in. The sun rays were especially appreciated today, and with the increasing hours of daylight, can Spring be far off?   

Ephphatha held a Board of Directors meeting on February 11th. Joining our Board is a new member: Fr. John Skehan of Augusta. We are very happy to have Fr.John join us. A few goals were put forward: have honey bees on the farm, to specifically plant flower gardens to help sustain all pollinators domestic and wild, to purchase footing for the round pen so the horses can be ridden in a safe area, and to open the Farm to residents from a nearby nursing home (dementia unit). These are just a few of the ideas discussed and hopefully implemented for the upcoming season.

February 14th was Valentines Day and Hearts and Flowers were very bountiful at the Farm as well as carrots and apples for Diamond and Bodie and dried raisins for Gus and Shadow (our goats) and our chickens had an extra scoop of cracked corn to enjoy.So there was a lot of Love that went around the stables and mini-barns to be sure. We enjoyed Valentines Day especially when a bowl of chocolate truffles sat on the kitchen table… they didn’t last long… they were very YUMMY!   

Adieu February… we enjoyed you and we look forward to March.

“Give thanks for the giftedness of others, a community in which this universal charity reigns….is capable of surmounting all difficulties”                                                                         Catherine McCauley