Post: Welcome Spring!

This time of year, i always read the poem by EE Cummings “In Time Of Daffodils”. Here are a few stanzas:

In time of daffodils (who know
The goal of living is to grow)
Forgetting why, remember how

In time of lilacs who proclaim
The aim of waking is to dream,
Remember so(forgetting seem)

In time of roses(who amaze
Our now and here with paradise)
Forgetting if, remember yes

In time of all sweet things beyond
Whatever mind may comprehend,
Remember seek(forgetting find)

And in a mystery to be
(When time from time shall set us free)
Forgetting me, remember me

There are a few more stanzas…all beautiful, but these touch me deeply, especially this spring as we emerge from the difficult covid winter.

Hopefully, those cold, intensely dark days are behind us, and with the development of the covid vaccine some relief lies ahead of us.

Spring…a time of light. We grow toward the light. Our purpose is to recall kindness and be present for one another, (to bloom for each other). In hope, we remember the awakening of the earth and we witness the stirring of life once again.

We breathe deeply with relief and go forward seeking each other and remembering the beauty of the Earth and witness once again its renewal.

Here at Ephphatha Farm the pastures are turning green much to the delight of Bodyke and Diamond (the horses). In the warming sun, our goats are out of their tiny barn bathing in the rays. They are also jumping around their rock “garden” with renewed vigor.

Goat at Ephphatha Farm playing
Gus, “King of the rock”. Spring, a time to prance!
A horse snuggling a visitor
Bodyke is smiling too!
Two horses in their pen
Spring…time to mend fences, paint and reorganize pastures!
Hello Mr.Drake, welcome back to our Farm pond!
Shadow has “rock time” too!

The chickens are scratching in the garden areas for a feast of earthworms and other various beetles and bugs, and of course, taking dirt baths in the soft soil as well. I don’t have the heart to chase them out of the garden area. Once the seeds and the tiny plants go in, though, they must be fenced out, and not allowed to enter the area again til fall, after harvest. But for now, I don’t want to dash their joy and quietly stand by and enjoy their cackling (for now)!

In the spring mornings, (very early when I’m out caring for our animals) the beauty of the earth surrounds me and I have to stand and be still for a moment and take it all in. It is magnificent, and I am filled with gratitude to be a witness to these happenings of life: the sun rising, birds singing, the dew soft and wet under my boot. Life forces unfolding as the earth wakes up after a long winter. My reverie is interrupted as Diamond neighs from his paddock, “Hey, where is my breakfast?” (Oops!! I’m on my way!) Spring is surely a dichotomy: Beauty and daydreams give way to the reality and business of running the farm, the stress of financial obligations to assure sustainability. 

Lots to oversee…

Veterinary appointments are made for inoculations to be given. Feed changes addressed with the warmer days coming. Hooves trimmed. Horses need to be handled and exercised so they are ready physically and mentally for our visitors and riders. And saddles, bridles, halters, need to be cleaned and sometimes replaced.

A new round pen has been built with proper footing so the horses have a safe area to exercise and train, as well as an area for our newest riders to gain confidence before going out on the trail. 

The Horse trailer has to be inspected, tires rotated, brakes tested, etc. Transportation ready to take the horses for further training and clinics.

Building upkeep has to be discussed. (Our hay barn needs painting and repairs done.)

The garden is being planted, fertilized, and pumpkins and pumpkin patches being readied for our Open House/Pumpkin Giveaway on October 2nd.

Our usual Open House, a major fundraiser for the farm had to be cancelled due to Covid so we are excited that we will be able to hold it and invite all our friends and supporters back again this year.

Discussions concerning our upcoming programs, the return of our participants, and the development of new and innovative programs for our clients coming to partake of the farm offerings (various agricultural activities and equine therapies) are ongoing. Protocols are being currently developed. Our staff at Ephphatha have received the vaccine. The safety of everyone involved is our foremost concern. We will follow the CDC guidelines in all circumstances as we open up again this season. We are looking forward to welcoming everyone back along with new friends. It will be WONDERFUL and we are so very excited!!!!!

Happy Spring Everyone!

The Light has returned…go now and ENJOY!

from all of us at EPHPHATHA COMMUNITY housed at Be Opened Farm

Ephphatha Community, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization at Be Opened Farm in Winslow, Maine seeks to provide enriching, healing agricultural as well as equine-assisted experiences to individuals of all ages with physical and emotional life challenges.