Post: Last blog of 2019

Greetings and serenity to everyone as we enter this time of light and joy!

We want to wish everyone a season of tranquility and renewal.

As I write this we are almost at the solstice Dec 21 marking the beginning of winter, and the shortest day of the year. We in the Northern Hemisphere are tilted farthest from the sun now (occurring 11:19 pm on the 21st of December)causing long dark cold days. However slowly, very slowly the day light lengthens as our Hemisphere moves closer to the sun. It is sacred pattern of our Universe that occurs year after year, and we are privileged to witness the unfolding of seasons.

Winter can provide a time of renewal; we rest in front of warm fires with loving friends and family we make plans and create dreams for our future. It is a time to plan new directions or to refine the life story we are living.What kind of lives are we living? We ponder the question. Lives filled with Compassion and Kindness? Are our lives renewing each other, and the earth? Our actions filled with Hope? We should all take stock of the old year. We all make mistakes, it is part of our Human frailty. Now in these introspective days of Winter… we try to be more present to each other, more caring and understanding. We try to rectify our mistakes, and become healers. 

In a few days we will celebrate the New Year…..2020 a New Decade…WOW!!! What will this new decade bring? It is filled with excitement and trepidation. However we walk forward in Hope always believing in the returning light.

As I write, severe cold has gripped the farm. I bring hot water twice a day to make ” tea” for the chickens. The goats have extra grass hay and heated water dishes to keep them toasty and Everyone  has a thick layer of wood chips that they can burrow in to keep cozy. All our barns and coops are positioned south east so the sun warms and thaws . Even on the coldest days the power of the sun is present and we are all grateful to catch a few rays!Diamond our therapy horse is blanketed and Bodyke our irish draft refuses a blanket he prefers the fuzzy coat he has grown, and will not tolerate the blanket….he runs off, throws his head and neighs as if to say “you can’t catch me”… and he is right… we cannot! Shadow our black goat seems to shine in the snow, and Gus our white goat blends into the landscape as he jumps from rock to rock frolicking about… he doesn’t seem to mind the frigid temperatures.

The days fold into the beauty that surrounds us. The magnificent stars at night ( so far we have seen two shooting stars, they always take my breath away, as if i am witnessing the Holy)….The crisp air, the pure fluffy snow, and the crunch of it under our boots creates a rhythm of the season.
We are most Grateful for our Community, those who travel to spend time at the Farm, we appreciate their presence and their gifts of self. We are Grateful for our healing animal partners and each other. Our Board of Directors are giving, gifted individuals who freely give of their expertise in an effort to help sustain the Farm and the vision to provide a healing welcoming atmosphere to all individuals with physical and emotional challenges.

As we approach a new decade we wish all of you peaceful, tranquil moments and joy as we celebrate these upcoming days of togetherness and love.

From all of us at Ephphatha Farm: blessings always and may our various journeys continue to lead us to the light.