Post: Welcome Fall! Our Fall Fundraiser and Open House

Special Fall Greetings to our friends!

As I write this we are busily preparing for our Farm Fundraiser and Open House. It will be held at the Farm at 93 Bassett Road in Winslow, Maine, this Saturday, October 2 from 10 am-1 pm. We hope you can join us!

Because of Covid and the prevalence of the Delta variant, the fundraiser was on again, off again. But finally, two weeks ago our Board of Directors decided to pull it together and go for it! The event will be different from past years because we need to keep everyone safe. Everything will be outside and raffle baskets will be filled with wonderful products and prepackaged goodies such as cider. Though different, it’s wonderful to welcome everyone to the Farm again.

Summer Filly born at Emily’s Farm
Summer filly born at Emily’s farm

We put the word out on Instagram and Facebook so we’re sure some old friends will stop by and support us, honoring us with their presence and good wishes!

Summer 2021 was very enriching! Old college friends stopped by and stayed at the Farm to help with summer chores. Our gardens were very productive. Our produce has gone to family and friends, and our neighbors have received bags of eggplant, kale, and tomatoes.

We haven’t had a frost yet so we still have pumpkins growing on the vines! Our carrots and parsnips are still nestled in the clay earth waiting to be harvested. They will keep in our root cellar till Thanksgiving, along with our red onions.

We put in 465 bales of hay to feed our horses and goats till next spring when pastures turn green again. It was a very productive summer despite the drought in June and rains in August. It was tough weather for hay-making but through it all the sun returned and her golden rays kissed the earth. The flowers bloomed and so did we.

A woman strolling across a field on the farm with a horse
A summer stroll

I’ll give an update on the Fundraiser. Until then take the beauty of fall colors within your souls and whisper ‘Ah’ as the earth begins her yearly cycle of preparing for winter.

