News & Updates

The last yellow rose of summer on the farm

Welcome Fall! Our Fall Fundraiser and Open House

Special Fall Greetings to our friends!

As I write this we are busily preparing for our Farm Fundraiser and Open House. It will be held at the Farm at 93 Bassett Road in Winslow, Maine, this Saturday, October 2 from 10 am-1 pm. We hope you can join us!

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A mother hen and her chicks

Here we are at the end of winter

Late winter is a time of reflection and rest, to recalibrate and to renew inspiration and dedication to a philosophy; to investigate projects which foster this philosophy and help it to grow and flourish. This cannot be a rigid process but a flexible and open one.

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Ephphatha Farm Pumpkin Giveaway 2020

Happy October, Friends!

The beauty of this month makes one stop for a moment and stand in awe of the light of the sun that makes the leaves on the trees glow and vibrate in an iridescent rhythm in the breeze. When in the fields I am surrounded by this phenomenon it takes my breath away!

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Bodyke the Ephphatha Community Horse

Last blog of 2019

Greetings and serenity to everyone as we enter this time of light and joy! We want to wish everyone a season of tranquility and renewal.

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